Online Degrees for College Dropouts.


Many students dropout of their college or university education. It’s not unusual for people to go to college and then have to stop for one reason or another. In fact, only 58% of students graduate within six years of beginning their education. So if college dropout is part of your list of life accomplishments, you’re absolutely not alone. There’s a reason “some college” is an option in so many surveys about education attainment levels.

Given the rate at which students dropout of college, it’s not surprising that many online degree programs are focused on degree completion. These are schools and courses specifically centered around helping students who have some college under their belt finish their education. And those programs often cover a wide range of academic disciplines, so no matter what your original major, chances are you will find an online degree completion program that will work for you.

One of the greatest concerns for returning students is whether they’ll be able to keep all the credits they earned before they dropped out the first time. No one wants to spend the time or money retaking classes or wracking up more credits! In order to make sure you keep all of your credits, or at least as many as possible, it’s a good idea to talk at length with academic advisors from any program you’re considering. They should be able to tell you what will apply to your new program and what won’t.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to credit retention is that switching majors can really cost you credits. Especially if you didn’t concentrate on prerequisites during your original time in school. If you are switching from a bachelor of arts to a bachelor of science program, you could have trouble trying to keep all of the credits you have earned. Hopefully you’ll have enough elective credits available to find a way to maintain those credits as you move forward.

Depending how long it’s been since you attended college or university the first time, you may find that some of your original classes will not transfer because the material covered in them is considered to be outdated. Again, it’s a good idea to talk to an advisor in any program you’re considering to see if there is a way to challenge an initial verdict on your transfer credits. Additionally, if you went to a school that required specific coursework—like religion classes—you may have trouble convincing your new school to accept them. Communication with advisors at your new school will be key to navigating those transfer pitfalls.