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Degrees for Government Jobs

You’re ready to make your career move and you realize you need to go back to school to make it happen. Whether you plan to attend college traditionally in on-campus classes, or you intend...

How to Network While Going to School Online

  Studies show that 70% of jobs are found through networking. One of the biggest benefits of an on-campus college education is the ability to build relationships quickly, with many convenient opportunities to get to...

Effects of a Bad Roommate & What to Do About It

Just like romantic relationships, sometimes roommate relationships just don’t work out. Considering how difficult cohabitation can be, maybe it’s a surprise that any roommate situations turn out well. Still, a great roommate is worth...

4 Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Job After Graduation

The main purpose of college is to prepare you for a higher-paying career. Maybe you’re still finishing up your final few credits, or maybe you walked across the stage a while ago. In any...

How to Budget as a College Student

If you’re currently enrolled in a degree program, you probably know that being a poor college student is more than just a cliche. If you find yourself trying to make your loan money stretch...

Can You Choose the Wrong Online Degree?

You’ve decided to go back to school, and you think an online degree is the right choice for you. Money might be a motivating factor, or maybe you just want to switch fields to...

Do You Need a Master’s Degree to Get Promoted?

The first time someone told you that you needed to go to grad school you probably cringed. Whether you were in high school at the time, or working on your undergrad, chances are that...

Should You Take a J-Term Class?

Short for “January Term,” J-Term classes are a useful tool to help you get ahead in your degree. By taking these four-week condensed courses, you can fit more class content into a shorter period...

5 Apps That Will Change Your Online School Experience

Efficiency is key when it comes to online learning. One of its primary benefits is its flexibility, and the only way to take advantage of that is by using class time efficiently. You don’t...