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Most Useful Degrees for Any Career

  Everyone struggles with picking the major that will give them the job of their dreams. But research shows that only 27% of college graduates have a job related to their major! If the stats...

Give Your Resume a Makeover

When you’re writing your resume, you worry that it will just be passed over with barely a glance once you turn in your job application. Considering the Career Builder survey that found 23% of...

How to Network While Going to School Online

  Studies show that 70% of jobs are found through networking. One of the biggest benefits of an on-campus college education is the ability to build relationships quickly, with many convenient opportunities to get to...

How to Survive Group Projects

When you start your college career, you’re going to hear a few horror stories. There’s the professor who doesn’t assign any homework so your entire grade rests on one single final that is make-or-break...

Online Degrees for College Dropouts.

Many students dropout of their college or university education. It’s not unusual for people to go to college and then have to stop for one reason or another. In fact, only 58% of students...

Grandma’s Spring Cleaning Tips

An important and sometimes overlooked aspect of overall wellness is the environments we’re in. You can’t always do much about your geographic location or your work or school locations or building conditions. One place...

Do Your Major and Minor Need to Match?

Your choice of college major is, for lack of a better term, major. Whatever discipline you choose to earn your degree in will most likely determine your future career. Depending on what your career...

How to Stay Broken Up

Ending a relationship is never easy. It doesn’t matter if you’re the dumper or the dumpee (er, ok, maybe it does) there are probably going to be a lot of emotions whirling around when...

4 Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Job After Graduation

The main purpose of college is to prepare you for a higher-paying career. Maybe you’re still finishing up your final few credits, or maybe you walked across the stage a while ago. In any...