Ace Your Exams With These 4 Studying Hacks


Spring break is just around the corner, and that means that students have a whole week to relax, travel, and socialize. But a long break can only mean one thing- mind-numbing tests need to be passed in order to earn a peaceful week off.

It’s time for midterms, and so many university students are scrambling to remember the content from all the classes they’ve had this semester. Are you prepared to take on the challenge?

Here are 4 study strategies that you can use to ace your upcoming exams.

1. Study Groups

Study groups are a great way to converse about the material you’re being tested on with other students. They might remember a point or in-class discussion that may have slipped your mind, and this exchange is helpful for everyone.

As a group, you can also take time to reexplain the content you’re studying in different words. The way a peer explains a concept might just make more sense to you than the way in which your professor explained that same concept, equipping you to answer well on the final test.

2. Schedule Solitude

Although study groups are beneficial, it’s also important to schedule time to study in solitude. Doing so will help the information you learned with a group to sink into your long-term memory.

Peers in a study group may not need the same memory cues that you need, and it’s crucial to make connections that work best with the way you learn. Taking time to study by yourself helps you truly solidify your understanding so that you can walk into your midterm with confidence.

3. Avoid Cramming

Waiting until the last minute to study all that you need to know for a midterm is a big mistake. It’s impossible to absorb that much information the night before or the morning of an exam.

It’s best to give yourself 3-4 days to space out your studying and let the material sink in. Spacing out your learning so that you’re not scrambling at the last minute helps you to retain more and worry less, dedicating more of your energy to studying effectively instead of anxiously fretting about your upcoming test.

4. Review Before Your Test

The worst feeling to have while taking a test is knowing the answer to a question, but not quite remembering a specific word that you need to incorporate in your answer. Sometimes you just need a little bit of a refresher to remind yourself of what you know before you walk into an exam.

Take anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour to refresh your memory and briefly review the material. The point of this review time is not to learn the content, but simply to jog your memory.